Public liability insurance
All events held on Council property require a current public liability insurance policy to the value of $20 million with Sutherland Shire Council listed as an interested party. Your event will not be approved until we receive a copy of the Certificate of Currency. All vendors and amusement ride operators must also have their own current public liability insurance policy.
Risk management and template
Risk management involves assessing potential hazards, their likelihood and how you intend to minimise and control them. Potential risks include:
- equipment failure
- lost children
- major injury or incident
- severe weather
- overcrowding in car parks
- marquee pegs and thoroughfares
- moving vehicles.
Risks should be monitored and managed throughout an event and you should keep records for legal reasons. You must provide us with a copy of your Risk Assessment/Safety Checklist - PDF - 462 KB before your event.
You have a duty of care under the NSW Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 to provide a safe environment for staff, volunteers, performers and contractors. You must respond to any incidents at the event, including logging them in your Emergency Management Plan. Major incidents should be reported to SafeWork NSW.
Emergency Management and Response Plan
All events must have a written Emergency Response Plan (ERP), including a plan for the safe evacuation of attendees. Emergency services will assume control of the situation when they arrive on site. ERPs for major and high-risk events should be developed in consultation with emergency services.
Your Emergency Response Plan should include:
First aid 
You must provide details of the first aid facilities and qualified first aid attendants you will supply. Larger events may require a first aid tent or dedicated area. First aid areas must be signposted, correctly staffed and equipped.