Multicultural communities directory

Throughout the year we host various activities and events to celebrate and support our multicultural communities.

Working Together Forum

The Working Together Forum is a partnership between the St. George Multicultural Network and the Sutherland Shire Multicultural Network. This bi-annual professional networking event welcomes all service providers.  Invitations are sent prior to the event to our community service providers.

Refugee Week

Each year we celebrate Refugee Week. This year's theme is Finding Freedom: Familiy

The theme captures the journey of resilience, strength, and unity that shapes the refugee experience.

Refugee Week provides a platform where positive images of refugees can be promoted to create a culture of welcome throughout the country. The ultimate aim of the celebration is to create better understanding between different communities and to encourage successful integration enabling refugees to live in safety and to continue making a valuable contribution to Australia.

For more information visit Home - Refugee Week

International Friend's Lunch

To celebrate Refugee Week 2024, we are hosting the International Friend's Picnic. This celebrates the rich contributions made by our local refugee and multicultural community members. Food and music, from around the world, makes it a day to remember. Invitations are sent to our multicultural networks prior to the event.

Citizenship ceremonies

On behalf of the Department of Home Affairs, Sutherland Shire Council hosts regular citizenship ceremonies to welcome new Australians into our community.

Where to get health information in language

Multicultural Health Connect - the first national helpline to help people in multicultural communities get health information and advice. The helpline is free and confidential, and run by workers with multicultural backgrounds.

In-language help is available by calling 1800 186 815, where callers speak with a trained worker who understands and respects their culture, needs and concerns, either in the preferred language of the caller or with the help of an interpreter.

Through this helpline callers can:

  • get free health advice from a nurse
  • find doctors, hospitals, support, and community health centres
  • find nearby support services

Multicultural Reference Group (MRG)

Sutherland Shire’s Multicultural Reference Group - PDF - 301 KB (MRG) is comprised of people from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background. The MRG provides a forum for residents from diverse backgrounds to address and advance multicultural issues.

The MRG advises Council to help with relevant and strategic decision making. MRG members also help to deliver Council initiatives, and advocate for additional or improved services for CALD and migrant communities.

If you are interested in joining the MRG, please contact communities@ssc.nsw.gov.au.

Sutherland Shire is a Refugee Welcome Zone. This means we are committed to:

  • welcoming refugees into the community
  • upholding the human rights of refugees
  • demonstrating compassion for refugees
  • enhancing cultural and religious diversity in the community.

Sutherland Shire diversity

  • the four largest ancestries in 2021 were English, Australian, Irish and Italian
  • 44 401 people (19.3%) were born overseas
  • 14% of people speak another language
  • Catholic, Anglican and Greek orthodox religions were the major religions.

(Source id.informed decisions)

Contact the Community Connections team

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