Opening hours

7:00am-6:15pm Monday to Friday (open 51 weeks of the year)

Daily capacity

48 children


Exceeding National Quality Standard



Learn about our programs, ratios, fees, inclusions, compliance, safety and more.

Environment and location

We’re located in Engadine alongside the Child and Family Health Centre and a short walk from the train station. This central location allows us to get involved in our community!

We enjoy excursions to the library, parks and even the post office as part of our learning program.

Spacious outdoors

Children enjoy our large, modern and well-resourced outdoor space.

Some of the activities they enjoy here include group games, basketball, outdoor art, creating tunes and concerts, gardening and helping our centre cook harvest herbs and veggies for lunch.

There are also wonderful quiet areas to relax.

Our team

We’re welcoming, kind and motivated by our genuine care and love for the children.

The individual talents and skills of our Educators helps to create an engaging program with a strong focus on STEAM activities (science, technology, engineering, arts, maths). The children love science experiments!

Inclusion is at the heart of our centre and everyone is an important part of our Caldarra community. We support every child’s emotional wellbeing, social interactions and academic learning.

We model and foster inclusion, respect and positive relationships. In 2019 our inclusive practices received industry recognition as an award finalist.


‘All the Educators are wonderful, positive people who provide such a warm, nurturing environment for our kids. We feel confident leaving our babies in such capable hands every day.’

‘You are all so patient, nurturing and supportive of our kids. They would not have grown and flourished so much if it wasn’t for you all. Thanks for genuinely caring and your brilliant work.’

‘Each Educator has made our son feel safe, loved, heard and allowed him to grow, learn and create in the most magical way.’