1800 Respect - 1800 737 732
Child Protection Hotline - 132 111
Lifeline - 131 114
NSW Domestic Violence Crisis Line - 1800 656 463
NSW Rape Crisis Centre - 1800 424 017
Coercive Control
As of July 1st 2024 coercive control is a criminal offence in NSW when a person uses abusive behaviours towards a current or former intimate partner with the intention to coerce or control them.
Visit NSW Government for more information and resources on Coercive Control and the law.
Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee created 3 community announcements that highlight coercive control. Coercive control is often not recognised as domestic violence. This is due to the ongoing subtle messages used by abusers to manipulate their victims. Their victims may feel isolated and not believed as a result.
What's On

You are invited to meet with local services for advice, support and information.
Where to get help
Call us