We regularly hold Councillor briefing sessions for our Mayor and Councillors.

These internal sessions provide information and updates to assist Councillors make informed decisions on behalf of our community.

A list of the topics covered in each Councillor briefing session can be found below.

8 July 2024

  • 2024 Local Government Elections – Update
  • Jannali Public Domain Plan Consultation - Feedback and Recommendations including Jannali Moonrise Festival
  • Jannali Planning Proposal Update
  • Salvation Army Miranda Site VPA
  • Customer Experience Strategy
  • Domestic and Family Violence and its Impact within the Sutherland Shire Community (SER008-24)

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest - 8 July 2024 - PDF - 52 KB

22 July 2024

  • Library Opening Hours
  • Draft Sport Field Allocation Policy
  • Youth Play and Adult Exercise Facilities Service Analysis
  • Marton Park Draft Masterplan - Post Exhibition
  • Parliamentary Inquiry E-scooters, E-bikes and Related Mobility Options
  • Update on the Draft Sutherland Shire Overland Flow-Flood Study

13 May 2024

  • Draft Roads & Freight Strategy - Post Exhibition Results
  • Draft Road Safety Plan
  • Social Media Policy
  • Quarter 3 Budget Review

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest - 13 May 2024 - PDF - 73 KB

27 May 2024

  • Cronulla Plaza  - Project Updates & Lifestream Outdoor Screens Options
  • Marton Park Draft Masterplan
  • South Village Operating Model
  • Draft Tree and Bushland Strategy - Final Revised Draft
  • Tree Requests Management Process - Update

2 April 2024

  • Draft 2022-2026 Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2024/25 Pre Exhibition

15 April 2024

  • Georges Riverkeeper Hosting Extension
  • Domestic Squalor and Hoarding Policy - Post Exhibition
  • Sutherland Shire Libraries - Review of Opening Hours
  • Defibrillators in the Sutherland Shire LGA
  • Oyster Bay Masterplan Update

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 15 April 2024 - PDF - 80 KB

29 April 2024

  • Planning Proposal Process (Besmaw)
  • Customer Experience Research
  • Workshop on Playground Service Changes with a Case Study on Eltham Place Reserve and Sesquicentenary Park Heathcote

11 March 2024

  • Salvation Army Miranda Planning Proposal
  • 2024 Local Government Elections
  • Outdoor Dining Policy and Standards
  • W1/W2 Waterway Planning Proposal Options and DCP Waterfront Access

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 11 March 2024 - PDF - 80 KB

25 March 2024

  • Draft Sutherland Shire Overland Flood Study - Information Update and Workshop

12 February 2024

  • Oyster Bay Master Plan - Post Community Consultation
  • Waste Initiatives FOGO and CRC
  • Q2 Capital Program Update

26 February 2024

  • North Cronulla SLSC Project Update
  • Tree and Bushland Strategy Workshop

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest - 26 February 2024 - PDF - 74 KB

29 January 2024

  • Biennial Community Satisfaction Survey
  • NSW Government Housing Announcement
  • Local Housing Strategy Update
  • Complying Development in C3 and C4

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 29 January 2024 - PDF - 86 KB

4 December 2023

  • DA Statistics Monthly Update
  • PlaceScore - Australian Liveability Census
  • Gunnamatta Pavillion
  • Draft SSC Bike Plan and TfNSW Strategic Cycleway Corridors
  • Management of E-bikes etc

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest - 4 December 2023 - PDF - 76 KB

20 November 2023

  • Development Application Statistics Update
  • Waterways and Foreshore Review
  • Capital Works Program - Workshop Item

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 20 November 2023 - PDF - 78 KB

30 October 2023

  • Overland Flood Study Community Consultation Opened (26/10/23 to 6/12/23)
  • Development Assessment Process Review

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest - 30 October 2023 - PDF - 76 KB

16 October 2023

  • Capital Program and Q1 Update
  • Tree Requests Process Update
  • Asset Management Policy Review
  • Dredging Policy Review

11 September 2023

  • Emergency Management Pre-Season Briefing 2023-24
  • Surf Lane Pedestrian Safety
  • Kareela Reserve Master Plan
  • Infrastructure & Operations Service Review

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 11 September 2023 - PDF - 12 KB

14 August 2023

  • Draft Leisure Strategy - Post Exhibition
  • Capital Program Status Update
  • Green Point Road Oyster Bay - Road Maintenance
  • North Cronulla SLSC Project Update

28 August 2023

  • Volunteer Management Committee - Review post ARIC
  • Draft Council Related Development Application Policy
  • Development Services  Process Improvements

3 July 2023

  • Sutherland Overland Flood Study
  • Community Research Update
  • Cronulla Town Centre Stage 2B and 2C Update
  • Kareela Reserve Draft Masterplan

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 3 July 2023 - PDF - 10 KB

17 July

  • Kirrawee Library, Community and Technology Hub - Community Engagement
  • Review of Waterfront Controls (W1 and W2)

31 July 2023

  • Roads and Freight Strategy
  • Evaluation of 3hr Parking Trial along North Cronulla Beach
  • Land and Environment Court Cases

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 31 July 2023 - PDF - 10 KB

19 June 2023

  • Draft 2022-2026 and 2023/24 Operational Plan – Post Exhibition
  • Climate Strategy Update - Targets Pathways and Consultation
  • Social Media - Refresher Training
  • Safety Performance Reporting

1 May 2023

  • Dredging Policy
  • March Quarterly Review
  • Valuer General Revaluations Sutherland LGA
  • Housing Strategy - Approach to Strategy, Place Plans & Updating the LEP
  • Dual Occupancy Development - Extension to the Assessment Concession

15 May 2023

  • Public Speaking for Councillors
  • Sylvanvale Planning Proposal
  • Housing Strategy and Affordable Housing Scheme

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 15 May 2023 - PDF - 95 KB

29 May 2023

  • Code of Meeting Practice - Refresher Training
  • Draft Use of Public Open Space by Commercial Sport and Fitness Trainers Policy - Post Exhibition
  • Update on the Draft OLG Risk Management and IA Guidelines
  • Community Gardens Policy
  • Draft Road Verge Garden Policy and Guideline
  • Debt Management Policy

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 29 May 2023 - PDF - 10 KB

17 April 2023

  • Cleanaway Modification Proposal
  • Community Engagement Strategy - Engagement Results
  • Leisure Strategy - Part 2 - Implementation Plan

13 March 2023

  • Code of Conduct Refresher Training
  • February 2023 Investment Report - Report Briefing
  • Project Oz - Update on Implementation of DA Process Change
  • Use of Public Open Space by Commercial Sport and Fitness Trainers Policy - Report Briefing
  • Playground Service Provisions

27 March 2023

  • Taren Point Planning Proposal
  • Leisure Strategy - Part 1 - Focus Areas
  • North Cronulla SLSC Loan Guarantee
  • South Village Kirrawee - Library, Technology and Community Hub
  • Draft 2022-2026 Delivery Program and 23/24 Operational Plan

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 27 March 2023 - PDF - 12 KB

27 February 2023

  • Population Changes in the Sutherland Shire Community
  • Safety and Injury Management Update
  • Uluru Statement of the Heart

13 February 2023

  • Waste Strategy - Post Exhibition
  • Quarterly Budget Review
  • Hungry Point Future Management Options
  • Parking Strategy - Post Exhibition and Parking Sensor Technology
  • Section 68 Application - Woronora Caravan Park

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest - 13 February 2023 - PDF - 62 KB

30 January 2023

  • Acquisition of 1 Gosby Ave, Miranda
  • Development Assessments - Service Improvements
  • Changes to Planning Panels

5 December 2022

  • Future Plans for Former Toyota Site - Aliro Group
  • Cronulla Town Centre
  • Woronora Caravan Park Section 68 Application

14 November 2022

  • Affordable Housing
  • Waste Management – Bulk Clean Up Service Review
  • Draft Sports Strategy – Post Exhibition

17 October 2022

  • Homelessness – Policy and Councillor Update
  • Draft Community Venues Strategy
  • Bulk Clean Up Review
  • Cleanaway Application Leachate Receival

12 September 2022

  • Passing of the Monarch
  • Parking Strategy
  • Community Participation in Planning Functions

1 August 2022

  • Gunnamatta Pavilion Options
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Audit Results
  • Emergency Dashboard Demonstration
  • Provision of Additional Off-Leash Dog Parks

15 August 2022

  • Draft Sports Strategy 2022-2037

29 August 2022

  • The Pavilion - Food and Beverage Consultant Update
  • Active Transport and Public Transport Strategies
  • Public Domain Strategy
  • NSW E-Scooter Shared Scheme Trial Submissions
  • Leisure Strategy Update
  • Draft 20 Year Waste Strategy
  • Family Day Care

4 July 2022

  • Webcasting Demo
  • Update on Council Corporate Applications
  • SCATL Stage 2 Submission Report Update
  • Public Property Encroachment Policy
  • Flood SITREP
  • Sutherland Entertainment Centre Operating Model
  • Urban Tree and Bushland Policy Update

11 July 2022

  • Bate Bay Coast Erosion and Woronora Flood Response

18 July 2022

  • Property Acquisition
  • Written Returns for Disclosures of Interest
  • Dinghies and Other Watercraft Management Policy
  • Infrastructure Sector Challenges
  • Library Services Strategy 2022-2032
  • Management of Landslips
  • Update on Storm Event Matters

16 June 2022

  • Draft 2022-2026 Delivery Plan and 2022/23 Operational Plan and Draft Resourcing Strategy - Post Exhibition
  • Housing Targets and Affordable Housing
  • Gunnamatta Pavilion - Engagement Outcome
  • Council Chambers - Code of Meeting Practice and Council Chambers Redesign

2 May 2022

  • Waste Kerbside Clean-Up Service
  • Centre Strategy Ideas and Options
  • Proposed Changes to Beachfront Parking at Cronulla
  • Councillor Professional Development

16 May 2022

  • Draft Community Strategic Plan - Post Exhibition
  • Catchment & Waterways Strategy and Implementation Plan
  • Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)
  • Performing Arts Operating Model

11 April 2022

  • Supporting Growth and Revitalisation of Centres
  • Draft Library Services Strategy
  • Draft Public Transport and Active Transport Strategies

14 March 2022

  • Former Ferntree Tip/Sydney Water Woronora Dam Water Pipeline
  • Local Planning Framework
  • Shark Mitigation Measures
  • Draft Property Strategy
  • Code of Meeting Practice
  • Draft Enterprise Risk Management Policy
  • Waste Transfer to ANSTO Luca Heights Facility

21 March 2022

  • Aliro VPA Update
  • Lucas Heights Resource Recovery Facility Temporary 24hr Operation
  • Resourcing Strategy
  • Draft Safer Communities Strategy
  • Community Leasing Policy - Post Exhibition
  • Housing Our Community
  • Developer Contributions Work Plan Update

7 February 2022

  • Code of Conduct - Councillor Induction
  • Code of Meeting Practice - Councillor Induction
  • Community Strategic Plan
  • NSW Electoral Commission Disclosures - Councillor Induction

14 February 2022

  • Reforms to Development Contributions
  • ICAC Presentation - Councillor Induction
  • Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link (SCATL)
  • Community Satisfaction Survey
  • Sub-Committees Overview
  • Business Paper Overview