Our Mayor's take on what's happening around Sutherland Shire.

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Sutherland Shire Mayor at Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony

We’ve got an amazing, diverse local business scene here in the Sutherland Shire, led by savvy business operators who readily adapt to meet the changing tastes of consumers. With this level of innovation from our local business community, it’s important we reflect on what more we can do to ensure we harness the desire of local residents to shop, dine, drink and enjoy themselves locally.

Since coming to government in 2023, the State Labor Government led a number of reforms aimed at making it easier for hospitality venues to offer late-night entertainment, and to reduce the red tape hospitality operators face in seeking approval for late-night trading. There have also been other reforms adopted simplifying the way noise complaints from neighbouring residents are dealt with and providing grant funding for the soundproofing of live music venues.

The implementation of these reforms has already enabled Sydney’s Inner West Council to successfully establish their Enmore Road Special Entertainment Precinct – the first such precinct in the state – allowing hospitality venues to offer more live music and entertainment options, and to trade later when this entertainment is offered.

We have since seen a number of other councils making progress towards establishing similar designated late-night entertainment areas in their communities.
But if we are going to look at adopting a similar strategy in the Sutherland Shire, we need to be confident it is the right fit for our community.

That’s why Council is committed to working with all stakeholders – not just the hospitality operators who stand to benefit from these reforms, but also surrounding business operators and residents who will likely be impacted by any changes.

Last week I met with a number of local business operators at an event organised by the Cronulla Chamber of Commerce to discuss these state government reforms, and how they might be applied locally. There is certainly a level of curiosity and excitement from our local business community.

Just like the long overdue renewal of the Cronulla Mall, there will always be naysayers who will rail against any proposed changes before they’ve looked at the benefit. But I know there is a real appetite within our community to explore how we can back our amazing local business community and work together
to enhance the late-night entertainment offerings available here in the Sutherland Shire. I hear all too often from local residents and visitors to the Sutherland Shire that there are too few options for people to enjoy a night out locally, to go see some great live music, or to enjoy a drink with friends after venturing out
for a meal.

Council continues to investigate viability of establishing a designated entertainment precinct in Cronulla, and what steps must be taken before we explore this option further.
I look forward to working with all stakeholders in our community to ensure all voices are heard in any future deliberations on this issue.

Sutherland Shire Mayor Councillor Carmelo Pesce