• Section 4.63 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and clause 68 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. This form can also be used when surrendering development consent for the purposes of obtaining a refund of any bonds held by Council.
  • Please note that, for consents issued prior to 1 February 2015, all copies of the development consent and endorsed plans must be returned to Council if you are proposing to surrender your consent.
  • Section 4.17 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and related Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021. Use this form if Council imposes a condition requiring the modification or the surrender of a previous consent or of an existing use right on your property. This form will provide details of the consent/existing use right to be modified or surrendered. The modification or surrender of the development consent or existing use right takes affect when Council receives this form.

Development Assessment and Certification fees and charges

1. Application type

Required fields are denoted by *

Application type *

2. Applicant details

Required fields are denoted by *

3. Ownership details

Owners consent

Please upload ownership consent if you are not the owner of the land. You must have written consent from all the owners. If the land is Crown land, an authorised officer of the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

4. Identify the land

You can find the land parcel details on your rates notice from Council  or on the title document of the land.

5. Description of the development consent or existing use rights

Please give a detailed description (in 1000 characters or less)

Has the work commenced? *

If works have commenced:

6. Indicate whether the consent or right is to be modified (including details of the modification) or surrender.

Please list in 5000 characters or less

7. Consent

  • declare that all the information in my application and accompanying documents is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
  • understand that if incomplete, the consent authority may request more information, which will result in delays in the application.
  • have obtained the consent of the owner(s) of the land to submit the application.