Mobile Food Vending
Council’s requirements vary depending on whether you intend to operate on public roads, in public places or on private land.
NSW government guidelines and food standards codes also apply.
Only mobile ice cream vendors can operate on public roads.
A new permit - PDF - 115 KB is required every year. Permits are valid from 1 July to 30 June and an application fee is payable.
Only permitted at Council-approved events, such as sporting club events or community markets.
Prior authorisation from the event organiser or market operator must also be obtained.
Permitted on private commercial or industrial land provided:
- the vehicle is parked on the private land
- you operate for a short period before moving on.
You need to register it with Council and arrange an inspection prior to operating. Annual inspections are required and a fee is charged.
Contact our Environmental Health Unit on 9710 0333 to organise an inspection.
You may operate within Sutherland Shire if you can provide your registration/licence.