Children's books about…?
Looking for children's stories on moving house, rabbits going to the doctor or bullying? The Source is the answer.
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About The Source
The Source is a subject guide to children’s literature. It includes books, short stories, traditional literature and poetry from around the world, with an emphasis on Australian and New Zealand literature.
The Source consists of four databases:
- Books & Authors: A database of over 17,000 picture books, children’s, young adult novels and collections. These are searchable by subject, author or illustrator, title, type, genre, series and sequels. Subject searches can be refined by age, genre and type. Brief biographies of authors and illustrators are included.
- Poetry: A database of over 15,400 poems from around the world which appear in the 380 anthologies indexed. Of these, the full texts of over 3,000 poems in the public domain are available on The Source. The poetry database is searchable by subject, poet, title, genre, and first line.
- Short Stories: An index to over 2,800 short stories including fairytales, folktales, myths and legends. They are linked to the collections in which they appear. All are annotated, the full text of some is included. The short story index is searchable by author, title, subject, genre and age.
- Awards: A database of the winners and short-listed books for 44 Australian, New Zealand and international children’s literature awards. This database is searchable by author, title, award and year of award.