Summer Skills - Youth First Aid Course

Event details


Are you 14 - 25 years old and interested in registering for a FREE 1 day face to face course in preparing yourself to be able to support those in need?

This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills in providing first aid and basic life support until arrival of medical assistance. This includes calling for help, the ability to respond to first aid situations, casualty assessment, decision making and basic life support functions including Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). This course covers adult and child conditions.

The face to face training is 7 hours and covers both theory and practical aspects of the Provide First Aid course.
There is a short multiple choice quiz at the end of the training, covering the practical First Aid information learnt that day. Participants will also be assessed on practical skills to pass the course. Once completed, all students will receive a certificate in Provide First Aid.

For further information please visit our registration page, located at the top of this page.

Council staff may take photos and or videos at this event. We might use those images in our publications, on website or social media or other communications. Please tell a staff member on the day if you don't want your image used.

Disabled access and parking is available at this event.

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Community Free Activity
