Cinema Under the Stars returns in December 2024, offering free outdoor movie experiences under the open sky. Grab your family and friends, along with a picnic, popcorn, cosy rug, or low chairs, for an enjoyable evening of cinema magic in these picturesque locations across Sutherland Shire:
All movie screenings commence at 6.30pm. Wet weather updates will be via the event pages.
Watch Elf (PG) as part of our family friendly outdoor cinema experience with Christmas markets and performers.
Watch the film Despicable Me 4 (PG) as part of our family friendly outdoor cinema experience.
Watch Kung Fu Panda 4 (PG) as part of our family friendly outdoor cinema experience.
Watch Migration (PG) as part of our family friendly outdoor cinema experience.
Watch the film Over The Hedge (PG) as part of our family friendly outdoor cinema experience.
Grab your family and friends, along with a picnic, cosy rug or low chairs, to watch the film Rio (PG) as part of our family friendly outdoor cinema experience.