Please submit this online form if you are requesting the release of a Bank Guarantee which you have provided previously to council to meet a requirement of a condition of a development consent.

A Bank Guarantee will only be released where:

  • Final Occupation Certificate has been issued (unless demolition)
  • Damage has not been caused to Council assets during the works
  • Conditions of Development Consent have been met.

Please note the bank guarantee will be returned to the persons/company named on the bank guarantee.

Bank guarantee release request

Required fields are denoted by *

Development details

Don't know the DA number? Search in DA Tracker

Bond payment details

Bond type *

(if known)

Completion details

Please note: A Bank Guarantee will ONLY be released when a Final Occupation Certificate has been received (excluding demolition).

Final Occupation certificate issued? *

(if known)


Delcaration *